This book will introduce you to the fascinating world of watch making. It is designed for the average person with zero knowledge of watch mechanics, building, or repair. This book will teach you some of the basics on how a watch works. It will also show you where to buy the right watch parts, how to assemble them, and how to regulate the time. Don't buy another $1000 watch when you can build one for $100. This book also comes with a full color PDF file ebook for your computer or smart phone.
This book will introduce you to the fascinating world of watch making. It is designed for the average person with zero knowledge of watch mechanics, b...
This is your chance to get out of credit card hell This book covers everything you need to know to beat the debt collectors at their own game. If you can write a few letters, you can win Did you know, even if you end up getting sued by a creditor, your lawsuit will mainly involve paperwork? You can do that. The time to fight is now In this book, you will find example court pleadings, motions, opposition to motions, affirmative defenses, interrogatories, admissions, validation letters, sworn denials, and much more. Look through a diverse collection of real credit card and collection agency...
This is your chance to get out of credit card hell This book covers everything you need to know to beat the debt collectors at their own game. If you...