In this sequel to "Tap Dancing, Babies, and Cadavers: Humor and Pathos in the Life of a 20th-Century Doctor," retired OB-GYN Don R. Krohn delivers another unique batch of true-life stories. Whether he's exploring the big band music of his youth, a mysterious event in the life of a 1940s Fuller Brush salesman, his part-time career as a farmer, crossing paths with luminaries such as Al Gore and Jimmy Hoffa, or encountering famous patients he didn't know were famous, Krohn takes readers on a singular trip through time. In this sequel to Tap Dancing, Babies, and Cadavers: Humor and Pathos in the...
In this sequel to "Tap Dancing, Babies, and Cadavers: Humor and Pathos in the Life of a 20th-Century Doctor," retired OB-GYN Don R. Krohn delivers ano...