This volume offers contributions reflecting a selection of the lectures presented at the international conference BAIL 2014, which was held from 15th to 19th September 2014 at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. These are devoted to the theoretical and/or numerical analysis of problems involving boundary and interior layers and methods for solving these problems numerically. The authors are both mathematicians (pure and applied) and engineers, and bring together a large number of interesting ideas. The wide variety of topics treated in the contributions provides an excellent...
This volume offers contributions reflecting a selection of the lectures presented at the international conference BAIL 2014, which was held from 15...
In kompakter Form stellen die Autoren die wesentlichen Aspekte aller relevanten Absicherungsinstrumente mit ihren spezifischen Gefahren- und Gewinnpotenzialen vor. Auf diese Weise wird das Risikomanagement fur die Leser transparent die aufgrund ihrer Verantwortung Entscheidungen mittragen mussen.
In kompakter Form stellen die Autoren die wesentlichen Aspekte aller relevanten Absicherungsinstrumente mit ihren spezifischen Gefahren- und Gewinnpot...
These proceedings collect the major part of the lectures given at ENU MATH2003, the European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Ad vanced Applications, held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 18 August to 22 August, 2003. The importance of numerical and computational mathematics and sci entific computing is permanently growing. There is an increasing number of different research areas, where numerical simulation is necessary. Let us men tion fluid dynamics, continuum mechanics, electromagnetism, phase transi tion, cosmology, medicine, economics, finance, etc. The success of applications of...
These proceedings collect the major part of the lectures given at ENU MATH2003, the European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Ad vanced Applica...