Proliferan hoy en Occidente las actividades corporales (yoga, danza, talleres de artes plasticas o de musica) ofertadas a personas de todas las edades por individuos o empresas frecuentemente no cualificadas, con la pretension de luchar contra la ansiedad, el "estres" o las dificultades vitales. Los Gobiernos de los distintos paises encuentran muchas dificultades para regular esas ofertas y los ciudadanos no cuentan con la informacion necesaria para distinguir entre lo que son terapias serias y mera supercheria. Este libro pretende describir y clasificar esas practicas, estudiar las bases...
Proliferan hoy en Occidente las actividades corporales (yoga, danza, talleres de artes plasticas o de musica) ofertadas a personas de todas las edades...
We have developed eclectic "Intensive Dynamic Brief Group Therapy programs over the last 37 years in a dozen different care units (short-stay units in general hospitals, crisis centers and day units) in Spain and in Switzerland with an orientation toward the so called "Therapeutic Communities". In the last 20 years, the programs have become less psychodynamic and less democratic -somewhat decaffeinated, in fact. This, however, does not mean they are less efficient as this book tries to demonstrate. On the other hand, our experience over the years has shown the negative effects of...
We have developed eclectic "Intensive Dynamic Brief Group Therapy programs over the last 37 years in a dozen different care units (short-stay unit...
Two ofthe most important notions concerning the rights of people with mental illness are among the most neglected: the first is that human rights and duties are complementary and that both must be considered in constructing a framework for mental health care. The second is that we must strive for equity and not only for equality in developing mental health programs. The first ofthese notions is complex. It refers to the duties ofpeople with mental illness and to the duties ofthose who surround them. Mental illness does not liberate the person who has it from civic obligations. The most basic...
Two ofthe most important notions concerning the rights of people with mental illness are among the most neglected: the first is that human rights and ...