I wrote this book because, sadly, I see the United States turning more and more towards communism. As misinformed Americans embrace eagerly the total socialist society concept, the nanny state, I hear the "echo" of my hard communist life in Romania and the cries for freedom. All the stories of becoming an American citizen, the pride, the pain, the hard work, experiencing good and bad along the way while weaving myself into the fabric of society, being an American longer than I was a Romanian, where I came from, why, and how, had to be told. The vignettes are a small glimpse into the universe...
I wrote this book because, sadly, I see the United States turning more and more towards communism. As misinformed Americans embrace eagerly the total ...
U.N. Agenda 21 has been in the works for decades, spearheaded by environmentalists, foreign individuals, third world countries, and non-profit organizations around the world. In the name of protecting the environment, socialist global governance has been quietly implemented at all levels of government via government grants, public-private partnerships, and EPA regulations involving use of land and water, affecting every facet of our lives. Mandating population re-distribution in the name of biodiversity, re-educating our youth into sustainable everything, green jobs, green buildings, green...
U.N. Agenda 21 has been in the works for decades, spearheaded by environmentalists, foreign individuals, third world countries, and non-profit organiz...