In this second installment of the A Story of the Inverted Series, you will continue the crazy antics and events that occur in the lives of Paige, Patricia, Sam, Michelle, Marie, Sarah and well as many new characters From ghosts to zapping hobos with tasers, Mischief and Shenanigans is packed with random events and surprises that will keep you guessing what's going to happen next. What else do you need to know? Read the book already
In this second installment of the A Story of the Inverted Series, you will continue the crazy antics and events that occur in the lives of Paige, Patr...
Here lies back to back non-fiction short stories of those around me. These stories derived from proposed interviews and created a story line of various aged people, from teens to those who were alive during the last World War. It tells of parents who have experienced tragedy and beauty and young adults who overcame dramatic transitions in their life. Each experience is ordered chronologically based on each age. This read would be for those who are curious about the lives of others, those who have been through hurt and are able to relate to others well. It's for those who listen and understand...
Here lies back to back non-fiction short stories of those around me. These stories derived from proposed interviews and created a story line of variou...