With colourful illustrations and an original story, 'The adventures of Tinsycat' is a story for children, that is full of wonder and imagination with cute unusual characters. A kitten, called Tinsycat, who has not yet opened his eyes, falls into a vortex and finds himself in a strange land. He makes friends with a large golden wingless dragon called Goldi and a fairy named Ange (who has a rain-cloud called Grumble, hovering above her head.) Ange called the rain-cloud in a desperate attempt to stop the drought in her land, but something went wrong with her spell. The sugar-baron, Sweetie Glut,...
With colourful illustrations and an original story, 'The adventures of Tinsycat' is a story for children, that is full of wonder and imagination with ...
Protest poetry from a psychiatric survivor. When truth is denied because people don't want to think of horrific things happening in their society, because it hurts too much, art is the only means through which to be heard. When an artist's truth is not being heard even through their art, despite skill and ability, it makes for a strange unlistening society that denies courtroom truths as much it denies poetic truths. It makes for a society that promotes paedophiles over those who are trying to stop abuse, promotes perpetrating doctors over psychiatric survivors who they have tortured......
Protest poetry from a psychiatric survivor. When truth is denied because people don't want to think of horrific things happening in their society, bec...