Natural Born Drillers is a book about chasing your dreams, exceeding your expectations, getting kicked in the teeth, moving on, getting what you want, really thinking hard about the universe, and loving nature... all the while wrestling with your conscience and your demons. If you are a woman and you've ever wondered what it's like to punch your way out of a knife fight, have a dick and think like a man does, you're now 90 kilos, you've got green eyes, short blonde hair, a good set of shoulders, you stand a metre eighty in work boots and you've got a gap between your front teeth. If you are a...
Natural Born Drillers is a book about chasing your dreams, exceeding your expectations, getting kicked in the teeth, moving on, getting what you want,...
'Ich bin der Mitternachts-Spezialist' ist witzig, philosophisch und einfach zu lesen mit uber 500 kurzen, knackigen Kapiteln, die sowohl die Australische wie auch die mit Sorgfalt ubersetzte Deutsche Version enthalten. In der Geschichte betrachten wir die Beziehungen des Autors zu Geliebten, Freunden und Familie, Gesprache mit Menschen, die er in allerlei Jobs wie dem Betreiben eines Backpacker Hostels und als Surflehrer uber einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren trifft, und seine Versuche, einen Platz in der Wirklichkeit zu finden und das Leben in den Griff zu bekommen, obwohl er sich mit...
'Ich bin der Mitternachts-Spezialist' ist witzig, philosophisch und einfach zu lesen mit uber 500 kurzen, knackigen Kapiteln, die sowohl die Australis...
I'm the Midnight Specialist is about the plight of perplexion, the distress of confusion trying to base oneself in reality knowing there are dimensions around it.If you have run the physiological gauntlet you may find great empathy in this book.Over 500 short chapters looking at how the author tries to maintain his foothold albeit struggling with a broken heart and a past that includes seeing ghosts and spaceships with others present.This book looks at the authors relationship with lovers, friends and family, various jobs and conversations with people he meets over a 10 year period. Less...
I'm the Midnight Specialist is about the plight of perplexion, the distress of confusion trying to base oneself in reality knowing there are dimension...