A little dog revived with rain, a desperate woman comforted by warm arms, an intimate look at Mary Magdalene's thoughts the morning Christ arose, a woman's unselfish desire, are a few of the stories in this volume about living the Christian life. They illustrate some extraordinary paradigm breaks and parallels in living as Christ would have His Bride live.
Sometimes everyday living creates a fog over our spiritual enlightenment, dulling our understanding and even our relationship with God. Other times we get entangled in worries and cares of the world. Christ's light will guide us to...
A little dog revived with rain, a desperate woman comforted by warm arms, an intimate look at Mary Magdalene's thoughts the morning Christ arose, a wo...
Gina Burgess provides helpful instruction to handle difficult people in the workplace, the church, and other places. In the same tradition as Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, and Pricilla Shirer, she shows how to don protective armor against the hurtful things blasted at you during daily living. She illustrates how to prepare your heart toward confronting those that offend you as well as challenges you to examine your heart for right attitudes. Teaching bible studies, Sunday School, and Discipleship Training since 1972 has blessed her with extensive knowledge of God's word. She sprinkles the text...
Gina Burgess provides helpful instruction to handle difficult people in the workplace, the church, and other places. In the same tradition as Joyce Me...