"One of Another" follows the lives of Libby, a hot-tempered candy maker; Deli, a naive college student; and Father Paul, a very unlikely priest. All three live in the Castro District of San Francisco in the mid 1980's. Together they, and their friends, face the growing AIDS epidemic with fear, humor, frustration, and sometimes courage.
"One of Another" follows the lives of Libby, a hot-tempered candy maker; Deli, a naive college student; and Father Paul, a very unlikely priest. All t...
Opal is seven in 1963 when her mother is killed in a freak accident in Texas. Her father leaves her to be raised by her grandmother in the backwoods, mountain community of Pine Creek in northern California. Barefoot is a story of family, secrets, hard times, and forgiveness.
Opal is seven in 1963 when her mother is killed in a freak accident in Texas. Her father leaves her to be raised by her grandmother in the backwoods, ...