The first symposium of the working group on experimental urology of the German Society of Urology was held in Cologne in 1972. It was meant to be a platform to present and, in particular, to discuss experimental studies developing new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and to promote in novation in urology in Germany. This plan was well received, and during the last 16 years both the number of participants from other European and overseas countries and the number and quality of presentations have been continuously increasing. At the most recent meeting, held in Aachen in 1988, new data...
The first symposium of the working group on experimental urology of the German Society of Urology was held in Cologne in 1972. It was meant to be a pl...
The most recent experimental work in urology is presented in this volume. Itcontinues the biennial publication of the reports given at the internationalsymposia for experimental urological research; the tenth symposium was held in Munich in June, 1990. The wide range of subjects covers renal cell cancer and adenoma, bladder cancer, urinary diversion, uro- dynamics, renal pathophysiology and transplantation as well as the pathogenesis and treatment of urolithiasis.
The most recent experimental work in urology is presented in this volume. Itcontinues the biennial publication of the reports given at the internation...
Im vorliegenden Buch werden s{mtliche Aspekte immunologischer Behandlungsverfahren bei urologischen Karzinomerkrankungen dargestellt. Au erdem wird auf die theoretischen und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Immuntherapie dieser Erkrankungen eingegangen. Die Autoren geben eine umfassende ]bersicht }ber den derzeitigen Stand der Forschung auf diesem Gebiet und pr{sentieren aktuelle immunologische Therapieschemata urologischer Tumoren.
Im vorliegenden Buch werden s{mtliche Aspekte immunologischer Behandlungsverfahren bei urologischen Karzinomerkrankungen dargestellt. Au erdem wird au...