During the Cold War, states found alternative means of warring with each other to meet foreign policy goals. Sports competitions, including the right to host events, transformed from celebratory competitions to surrogates for warfare. The battles to host t
During the Cold War, states found alternative means of warring with each other to meet foreign policy goals. Sports competitions, including the right ...
The Soviet boycott of the 1984 Olympic Games is explained as the result of a complex series of events and policies that culminated in a strategic decision to not participate in Los Angeles. Using IR framework, D'Agati developes and argues for the concept of surrogate wars as an alternative means for conflict between states.
The Soviet boycott of the 1984 Olympic Games is explained as the result of a complex series of events and policies that culminated in a strategic deci...
This book examines the relationship between nationalism and the Olympics by weaving together understandings of nationalism and applying them to displays of national identity at Olympic ceremonies from 1980 to 2006. Using historical revision, indoctrination, and custodianship, hosts of the Games have re-told official state identities and histories through performances.
This book examines the relationship between nationalism and the Olympics by weaving together understandings of nationalism and applying them to displa...