In 2009 we completed the third year of full implementation for the landbird monitoring project in the North Coast Cascades Network (NCCN). The NCCN landbird monitoring protocol requires annual survey effort consisting of an annual panel (34 transects distributed among Mount Rainier National Park MORA], North Cascades National Park Service Complex NOCA], and Olympic National Park OLYM]) plus one of five alternating panels (an additional 34 transects distributed throughout MORA, NOCA, and OLYM) and the completion of a grid of survey points at either of the smaller parks-San Juan Island...
In 2009 we completed the third year of full implementation for the landbird monitoring project in the North Coast Cascades Network (NCCN). The NCCN la...
The National Park Service, Natural Resource Program Center publishes a range of reports that address natural resource topics of interest and applicability to a broad audience in the National Park Service and others in natural resource management, including scientists, conservation and environmental constituencies, and the public.
The National Park Service, Natural Resource Program Center publishes a range of reports that address natural resource topics of interest and applicabi...
Subalpine and alpine areas are ecologically important zones that provide popular recreational opportunities for visitors to Mount Rainier (MORA), North Cascades (NOCA), and Olympic (OLYM) National Parks. The subalpine parkland is a mosaic of tree clumps and herbaceous meadows extending from forestline to treeline. The sparsely vegetated alpine zone continues up to the permanent ice and snow cover the peaks of the Cascades and Olympics. Collectively, the subalpine and alpine zones comprise the alpine treeline ecotone - a transition between the closed canopy forests below and bare rock or ice...
Subalpine and alpine areas are ecologically important zones that provide popular recreational opportunities for visitors to Mount Rainier (MORA), Nort...
This document details the amphibian inventories conducted in Mount Rainier National Park primarily from 2001 to 2003 with a small amount of data collected in 2005. These inventories were part of a larger effort to document species presence at five North Coast and Cascade (NCCN) Parks: Mount Rainier National Park (MORA), Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve (EBLA), Lewis and Clark National Historical Site (LEWI), Fort Vancouver National Historical Park (FOVA), and San Juan Island National Historical Park (SAJH).
This document details the amphibian inventories conducted in Mount Rainier National Park primarily from 2001 to 2003 with a small amount of data colle...
Understanding surficial processes and materials is critical for resource managers in mountainous terrain. Surficial processes such as landslides, floods, and glaciation directly impact the human use and management of rugged landscapes. The materials produced by these processes influence soil and vegetation patterns and provide information on geologic hazards, prehistoric landscape use, and ecological disturbance. Knowledge of the function of surficial processes and distribution of materials assists the National Park Service (NPS) in selection of ecological reference sites, identification of...
Understanding surficial processes and materials is critical for resource managers in mountainous terrain. Surficial processes such as landslides, floo...
This protocol narrative outlines the rationale, sampling design and methods proposed for monitoring climate in the North Coast and Cascades Monitoring Network (NCCN). The NCCN, one of 32 networks of parks in the National Park System, comprises seven national park units in the Pacific Northwest, including three large, mountainous, natural area parks (Mount Rainier MORA] and Olympic OLYM] National Parks, North Cascades National Park Service Complex NOCA]) and four small historic-cultural parks (Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve EBLA], Lewis and Clark National Historical Park ...
This protocol narrative outlines the rationale, sampling design and methods proposed for monitoring climate in the North Coast and Cascades Monitoring...
This protocol narrative outlines the rationale, sampling design and methods proposed for monitoring climate in the North Coast and Cascades Monitoring Network (NCCN). The NCCN, one of 32 networks of parks in the National Park System, comprises seven national park units in the Pacific Northwest, including three large, mountainous, natural area parks (Mount Rainier MORA] and Olympic OLYM] National Parks, North Cascades National Park Service Complex NOCA]) and four small historic-cultural parks (Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve EBLA], Lewis and Clark National Historical Park ...
This protocol narrative outlines the rationale, sampling design and methods proposed for monitoring climate in the North Coast and Cascades Monitoring...
The central mission of the National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring Program is to provide timely and usable scientific information about the status and trends of park resources to park managers. To meet this challenge, we need an information management system that can effectively produce, maintain and distribute the products of scientific work done in our parks.
The central mission of the National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring Program is to provide timely and usable scientific information about t...
This document details amphibian inventories conducted at Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve (EBLA). These inventories were part of a larger effort to document amphibian species presence at five North Coast and Cascades Network (NCCN) parks: Mount Rainier National Park (MORA), Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve (EBLA), Lewis and Clark National Historical Site (LEWI), Fort Vancouver National Historic Site (FOVA), and San Juan Island National Historical Park (SAJH). Four of these parks (EBLA, FOCL, FOVA, and SAJH) had incomplete lists based on limited or undocumented data. Our...
This document details amphibian inventories conducted at Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve (EBLA). These inventories were part of a larger ef...
A vascular plant inventory was conducted within Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve (EBLA) between 2002 and 2005. Inventory methods included data mining and field surveys. The data mining component consisted of bibliographic searches for reports documenting plant species presence and herbarium searches for specimens collected within EBLA. Field surveys, called "Botany Forays," were conducted by experienced volunteers organized by the University of Washington to find and collect new plant specimens from EBLA. Initially, the reserve had a species list of 182 species, all of which had...
A vascular plant inventory was conducted within Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve (EBLA) between 2002 and 2005. Inventory methods included da...