This book examines numerical methods for two-phase incompressible flow problems. It details the complete simulation track, from modeling via development and analysis of numerical methods to numerical experiments.
This book examines numerical methods for two-phase incompressible flow problems. It details the complete simulation track, from modeling via developme...
This book examines numerical methods for two-phase incompressible flow problems. It details the complete simulation track, from modeling via development and analysis of numerical methods to numerical experiments.
This book examines numerical methods for two-phase incompressible flow problems. It details the complete simulation track, from modeling via developme...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1998 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Bevolkerungsgeographie, Stadt- u. Raumplanung, Note: 1,0, Technische Universitat Dortmund (Fakultat Raumplanung), Veranstaltung: Geographische Grundlage der Raumplanung, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Gang der Untersuchung: Das erste Kapitel dient der Einfuhrung in das Thema, der Herleitung des Gegenstandbereiches der Arbeit und zur ersten Orientierung uber die Konzeption der Arbeit und was die Besonderheit an der Verknupfung von Jugend und Offentlicher Verkehr ist. Hieran anschliessend werden die...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1998 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Bevolkerungsgeographie, Stadt- u. Raumplanung, Note: 1,0, Technische Un...
Transport is an inherent part of tourism; whether as a functional means of transportation, such as between origin and destination or within the destination; or as a key element of the holiday experience itself, as in cruising or traveling along scenic or historic routes. This book provides the necessary background information to gain a comprehensive understanding of transportation markets, with each of the three modes of transportation - air, ground and marine - explored in detail. Each section includes definitions, the historical development of the market and international institutional...
Transport is an inherent part of tourism; whether as a functional means of transportation, such as between origin and destination or within the destin...