Ce travail d''Habilitation A Diriger les Recherches, soutenue en 2008 A l''UniversitA(c) de Lille, s''attache A montrer (A travers cinq exemples que l''auteur espA]re reprA(c)sentatifs) comment, en utilisant la diffraction des rayons X, des neutrons et des A(c)lectrons, des propriA(c)tA(c)s structurales liA(c)es A la notion de transitions ordre-dA(c)sorde ont A(c)tA(c) mises en A(c)vidence. Deux exemples de structures maclA(c)es, un cas de structure modulA(c)e traitA(c) dans le formalisme des super-espaces A quatre dimensions, un exemple de traitement de l''anharmonicitA(c) du tenseur...
Ce travail d''Habilitation A Diriger les Recherches, soutenue en 2008 A l''UniversitA(c) de Lille, s''attache A montrer (A travers cinq exemples que l...
While the earth is caught in a mad race, where millions of people are fighting for their lives, the realm of high finance inexorably pursues its destructive projects with complete impunity. The story you are about to read is surprisingly in line with current events. It might prove truer than the truth, should the truth be revealed. Anne Standfort is a talented journalist; a mysterious and fabulously wealthy "unknown superior" will recruit her to write a book, and this will lead her into the shady dealings of the strange "financial world." Often shocked and sometimes horrified, she will be...
While the earth is caught in a mad race, where millions of people are fighting for their lives, the realm of high finance inexorably pursues its destr...
THE BOOK IS TRANSLATED IN RUSSIAN Summary in English While the earth is caught in a mad race, where millions of people are fighting for their lives, the realm of high finance inexorably pursues its destructive projects with complete impunity. The story you are about to read is surprisingly in line with current events. It might prove truer than the truth, should the truth be revealed. Anne Standfort is a talented journalist; a mysterious and fabulously wealthy "unknown superior" will recruit her to write a book, and this will lead her into the shady dealings of the strange "financial world."...
THE BOOK IS TRANSLATED IN RUSSIAN Summary in English While the earth is caught in a mad race, where millions of people are fighting for their lives, t...
Wahrend die Erde in einem wutenden Rennen verfangen ist, in dem Millionen Menschen um ihr Uberleben kampft, uben internationale Finanzdynastien unerbittlich ihre zerstorende Projekte mit kompletter Straffreiheit aus. Die Geschichte, die Sie im Begriff sind zu lesen, stimmt uberraschend mit den Tagesereignissen uberein. Es konnte sich herausstellen, dass die Geschichte wahrer ist als die Realitat, falls die Wahrheit aufgedeckt wird. Anne Standfort ist eine begabte Journalistin; welche von einer geheimnisvollen und unglaublichen wohlhabenden " unbekannten hohergestellten Person" bedrangt wird,...
Wahrend die Erde in einem wutenden Rennen verfangen ist, in dem Millionen Menschen um ihr Uberleben kampft, uben internationale Finanzdynastien unerbi...