Begins with the leader of an empire leaving, hoping to save his ppl and start a new life. On the opposite of the world in another kingdom, a young warrior prince is leading his elite warriors against a alien hive menace. Raquia is a battlefield, around every corner are deadly combatants who use every means in their arsenal to beat back they're aggressors. It's futuristic technology vs. the elements, nature and magic; where hi-tech guns and aerial ships clash against swords, shields, and mystics The emotion and violence in this story is truly a experience, once you pick it up you can't help...
Begins with the leader of an empire leaving, hoping to save his ppl and start a new life. On the opposite of the world in another kingdom, a young war...
Continuing from book 1, Prince Aiden is having nightmares of a mysterious evil that is coming to destroy his homeland. Can he stop this and who is is sending him these nightmares, for he feels a presence other than his own in his dreams. The Apothiks leader Lyrik is still fighting his crusade of bringing down the evil tyranny of Utrama, by freeing the people from it's control. However he meets a unlikely figure from his ancestor's past, is he friend or foe? Will the Apothiks finally achieve their plans or will they meet their end in a surprise fashion. The mysterious assassin Volreinix is...
Continuing from book 1, Prince Aiden is having nightmares of a mysterious evil that is coming to destroy his homeland. Can he stop this and who is is ...