The Sizzling Sequel to "Broken Promises Never Mend" continues with the journey of Love, Lies and Betrayal when one family is torn apart by a catalyst of events that will leave no one knowing who the other really is. Do we ever really know the one we love? Tamika and Quincy are thrown into the land of uncertainty when the past catches up to them and leaves them trying to figure out how to either cover it up or admit to secrets that just may tear them apart forever
The Sizzling Sequel to "Broken Promises Never Mend" continues with the journey of Love, Lies and Betrayal when one family is torn apart by a catalyst ...
Brianna Thomas loves hard but love doesnt seem to love her. Her affinity for money fuels her desire to survive the mean streets of New York and the projects that have held her mind and body hostage for many years. One night, she realizes that things wont change for her unless she makes it happen for herself. With a devious plan of action and a few accomplices, she sets out to make life worth living by any means necessary.
Brianna Thomas loves hard but love doesnt seem to love her. Her affinity for money fuels her desire to survive the mean streets of New York and the pr...