There is a phenomenon going on right now in American like no other time in history. It seems as if not even a few hours goes by, let alone a day, whereby the average teens does not click a button to accept or send a "friend me" request on Facebook, or to send or receive a "tweet" on Twitter, or to quickly craft one of the 3600 text messages sent out each month on average by today's youth.
Teens are flocking in droves to be "liked" or to be "followed" and to feel as if they fit in and are part of something special. They are willing to, in essence, bare it all on the internet.
They are...
There is a phenomenon going on right now in American like no other time in history. It seems as if not even a few hours goes by, let alone a day, w...
There is a phenomenon going on right now in American like no other time in history. It seems as if not even a few hours goes by, let alone a day, whereby the average teens does not click a button to accept or send a "friend me" request on Facebook, or to send or receive a "tweet" on Twitter, or to quickly craft one of the 3600 text messages sent out each month on average by today's youth.
Teens are flocking in droves to be "liked" or to be "followed" and to feel as if they fit in and are part of something special. They are willing to, in essence, bare it all on the internet.
They are...
There is a phenomenon going on right now in American like no other time in history. It seems as if not even a few hours goes by, let alone a day, w...
There's A Fine Line is a book that shared principles in business and life that separate the winners from the rest of the pack.
The book outlines startegies and patterns that will help any business person or salesman achieve a higher level or activity and prodcution in their careers.
Mark interviews several seccessful individuals at the end of the book from all walks of life such as CEO's of major corporations, entrepenuers, pro athletes, professors, bankers, and more....
The interviewees answer the followiong 2 questions: 1. "If you could point to one aspect of your...
There's A Fine Line is a book that shared principles in business and life that separate the winners from the rest of the pack.
There's A Fine Line is a book that shared principles in business and life that separate the winners from the rest of the pack.
The book outlines startegies and patterns that will help any business person or salesman achieve a higher level or activity and prodcution in their careers.
Mark interviews several seccessful individuals at the end of the book from all walks of life such as CEO's of major corporations, entrepenuers, pro athletes, professors, bankers, and more....
The interviewees answer the followiong 2 questions: 1. "If you could point to one aspect of your personality...
There's A Fine Line is a book that shared principles in business and life that separate the winners from the rest of the pack.