If you could fit our culture of convenience into a petri dish, what would it look like?
Movement Matters is a series of essays in which biomechanist Katy Bowman continues to explain the mechanics of a sedentary culture and the deep complexity of the phenomenon we call movement. By exposing convenience as a way of outsourcing movements, Katy's groundbreaking work in the relationship between movement and nature expands to models that have evolved from thinking of the body as a single structure to considering it to be a cluster of a trillion bodies, and how those trillion...
If you could fit our culture of convenience into a petri dish, what would it look like?
Updated and expanded to include a comprehensive three-level exercise program, Move Your DNA addresses, in layperson's terms, the disease we are suffering from, identifying our lack of movement as the primary cause. Readers can use the corrective exercises and lifestyle changes to transition to healthy, naturally moving bodies.
Updated and expanded to include a comprehensive three-level exercise program, Move Your DNA addresses, in layperson's terms, the disease we are suffer...
Dynamic aging is an exercise guide to restoring movement. It is geared towards a 50+ audience and anyone looking to improve basic whole-body mobility. It includes exercises and postural adjustments that require no specific equipment.
Dynamic aging is an exercise guide to restoring movement. It is geared towards a 50+ audience and anyone looking to improve basic whole-body mobility....
Schmerzende Füße sind besonders bei Frauen weit verbreitet. Sie sind nicht nur unangenehm, sondern Teil eines weitaus größeren Problems, denn der aktuelle Zustand unserer Füße beeinflusst langfristig die Gesundheit von Knien, Hüften und Wirbelsäule und damit unsere Beweglichkeit. Die gute Nachricht ist: Fußbeschwerden sind meist die Folge von 'Anwenderfehlern' - und Fehler lassen sich korrigieren, oft auch ohne teure Behandlungen. Katy Bowmans Trainingsprogramm für gesunde Füße, ihre Haltungskorrekturen und ihre Tipps für den Schuhkauf können hier effektiv helfen.
Schmerzende Füße sind besonders bei Frauen weit verbreitet. Sie sind nicht nur unangenehm, sondern Teil eines weitaus größeren Problems, denn der ...