Meet Meg, a vivacious young woman who's life gets turned upside down when a twist of fate reveals her lover's lies. Her three best friends rally around her, offering their shoulders to cry on and a few pitchers of margaritas. While Meg tries to rebuild her life, she can't help but wonder when her ex will get a well-deserved karmic kick in the pants. Growing impatient, she decides to take matters into her own hands and give karma a helpful little nudge. You'll laugh and cringe as Meg plots her revenge while her friends try their best to encourage her to focus on the life that's passing her by....
Meet Meg, a vivacious young woman who's life gets turned upside down when a twist of fate reveals her lover's lies. Her three best friends rally aroun...
If you're going through a separation or divorce, wondering if there are other people out there that "get it," then this is the book for you.
"One husband may be having an affair, one may be gay, one may be having a quarter life crisis and one may run away..."
Before the candles on their thirtieth birthday cakes were blown out, the four authors found their marriages crumbling. They spent their twenties dedicating themselves to creating strong marriages but nothing they did could save them from divorce. Disliking the media's portrayal of young divorce as a starter marriage for the lazy,...
If you're going through a separation or divorce, wondering if there are other people out there that "get it," then this is the book for you.