It is not uncommon in our human realm of thinking to view the darkness as something bad, threatening or intimidating. We have been indoctrinated since childhood to be "afraid of the dark." It is no wonder that when we reach adulthood, the times in our lives which we consider to be dark times, we find make us fearful and uncomfortable. This book, "Beauty In Darkness" is intended to shed a new light on the darkness that you may find in your own personal life. May your reading open up a new window and let in the light of God as He shows you how you can find beauty in your darkness.
It is not uncommon in our human realm of thinking to view the darkness as something bad, threatening or intimidating. We have been indoctrinated since...
Did you ever notice that we look in different directions because of how we may be feeling? Ex. Sad - look down Confused - look within Surprised - look around But when you are looking for forgiveness, you can only look up. And when you do look up, you are looking up on that hill called Calvary. And on that hill is a cross. And on that cross hangs a man; but not just any man. He is Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the World. That is what you see when you look up."
Did you ever notice that we look in different directions because of how we may be feeling? Ex. Sad - look down Confused - look within Surprised - look...
What does it really mean to go forward in faith. Perhaps we can best understand this by looking at the opposite. Then you decide which you would rather do. The opposite of going forward in faith would be to go backward in doubt. Now, how much progress do you think you would make in life by going backward in doubt? Not much we would probably agree. In this short, little pocketbook, we will look at several scenarios of people that certainly went forward in faith. Some you may be familiar with and some you may not. But what really matters is the fact that they did go forward in faith. We will...
What does it really mean to go forward in faith. Perhaps we can best understand this by looking at the opposite. Then you decide which you would rathe...
The Garden was the most beautiful place on planet earth. It was the home of the first two humans, and a beautiful home it was. That is, until guilt and shame entered in. We will follow the story of Adam and Eve's incredible life, their fall from grace and restoration through forgiveness. The importance of this story is, that it is your story, and mine. In "How To Escape From Guilt And Grace" you will find your own escape and return to a restored relationship with the God who made you and loves you.
The Garden was the most beautiful place on planet earth. It was the home of the first two humans, and a beautiful home it was. That is, until guilt an...
Some people say life is what you make it. To some degree, that is true, but it is more than that. It is also who you know, but not just any "who you know," but a special who you know. In "GOT Life" I will take you on a four step journey to find and maintain "real life." We begin with that special person, then how do you know if you have life, to the goal of life and we end with wha it means to have a true desire for life. This is a journey you won't want to miss.
Some people say life is what you make it. To some degree, that is true, but it is more than that. It is also who you know, but not just any "who you k...
This book looks at life from an angel's perspective. We have had books that look at life from a child's perspective, an adult's perspective and even a dog's perspective. But when have we read anything from an angel's perspective? Here, two angels Jezrael and Macareas, dialogue with one another concerning some of the wonderful things they are watching form their angelic post in heaven. Picture our two angel friends looking in on the workings of God in the human race. They are witnessing Biblical events of human history, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, walking among men and a glimpse into...
This book looks at life from an angel's perspective. We have had books that look at life from a child's perspective, an adult's perspective and even a...
The most important wisdom anyone can gain as they live their life on this sphere called earth that is journeying through space is the love of God. This is a vital truth because it helps to shape one's life, destiny, self-worth and choices. This story was written to help the reader to understand this very fact, that God's love is available and forgiving. Let me take you back two thousand years to a time, though ancient, yet, is very similar to today. You see, in both ages, fathers worked hard to provide for their families. Sometimes their sons rebelled, thinking they could find something...
The most important wisdom anyone can gain as they live their life on this sphere called earth that is journeying through space is the love of God. Thi...
Why do people suffer from compulsive behaviors? How do they develop them in the first place? Recovering Lost Ground is a 12 Step Christian recovery program designed to help anyone with a compulsive behavior to get the victory. God weants you to be an over-comer not a victim. In this book you will learn the 12 Steps necessary for victory.
Why do people suffer from compulsive behaviors? How do they develop them in the first place? Recovering Lost Ground is a 12 Step Christian recovery pr...