Meet Angela Graham, a vibrant, young clothing designer who is beset by many crises in her life. Even though she is a child of God, she turns against Him at an early age because of her mother's death. You will become totally absorbed in Angela's dilemmas as the world seems to collapse around her. Observe as she attempts to cope with job difficulties, family unrest, and health issues by relying on her own self-sufficiency. Angela Graham's quest for happiness and meaning in life will bring both joy to the heart and a tear to the eye. As the trials in this young woman's life are unveiled, many...
Meet Angela Graham, a vibrant, young clothing designer who is beset by many crises in her life. Even though she is a child of God, she turns against H...
Meet Angela Graham, a vibrant, young clothing designer who is beset by many crises in her life. Even though she is a child of God, she turns against Him at an early age because of her mother's death. You will become totally absorbed in Angela's dilemmas as the world seems to collapse around her. Observe as she attempts to cope with job difficulties, family unrest, and health issues by relying on her own self-sufficiency. Angela Graham's quest for happiness and meaning in life will bring both joy to the heart and a tear to the eye. As the trials in this young woman's life are unveiled, many...
Meet Angela Graham, a vibrant, young clothing designer who is beset by many crises in her life. Even though she is a child of God, she turns against H...