'In Pursuit of the Perfect Burger' is a groundbreaking and revolutionary new type of book; written for the backyard griller, the historical junkie, the looney comedian and anyone else who enjoys a sublime, fun and informative book. It is written in an easy to read format, because in 2010, who has much time to relax and read a long complicated book? However, it is packed full of facts, fun and information to help the reader create the perfect burger, as well as learn a little history and have some fun along the way too
'In Pursuit of the Perfect Burger' is a groundbreaking and revolutionary new type of book; written for the backyard griller, the historical junkie, th...
Excellence Everyday is a ten point guide to creating a happy, healthy, positive and excellent life -- based on a lifestyle system developed by author Erik D. Walker. Erik developed his system, quite inadvertently, because of a need in his own life. He simply wanted to live a more excellent life. Excellence Everyday covers a wide range of topics including: setting goals, finances, work, nutrition, exercise, relationships and more There is something for everyone in this positive and creative lifestyle improvement guide that will get you heading down the road to excellence. Simply put, if...
Excellence Everyday is a ten point guide to creating a happy, healthy, positive and excellent life -- based on a lifestyle system developed by author ...