A Leader's Guide for the Bible study, "More Pleasing Than Chocolate, A Study on the Book of Esther." Esther waited seven years in the palace before she was ever called into the King's presence...It was another five years before Haman's plot to annihilate all the Jews was exposed. Esther waited twelve years before God's plan for her was revealed. God's plan wasn't quick in human terms. We must be willing to wait upon the Lord and understand that God's timing is not our timing.
A Leader's Guide for the Bible study, "More Pleasing Than Chocolate, A Study on the Book of Esther." Esther waited seven years in the palace before sh...
'Till Eternity Ministries Ralien Luann Weiner Amy Jane Culp
Esther waited seven years in the palace before she was ever called into the King's presence... It was another five years before Haman's plot to annihilate all the Jews was exposed. Esther waited twelve years before God's plan for her was revealed. God's plan was perfect but it wasn't quick in human terms. We must be willing to wait upon the Lord and understand that God's timing is not our timing.
Esther waited seven years in the palace before she was ever called into the King's presence... It was another five years before Haman's plot to annihi...