Dr Robert E. McGinnis Shannon O. McGinnis Brandon Daniel Jones
Robin Long Bird was born Robert Copeland, but extreme circumstances and devastating threats from several spy agencies throughout the world required a name change for his personal safety. Robert Copeland had been hired to take secret pictures for a cartel of international spy agencies linked by their need to share information without sharing their true identities. Robert Copeland failed to turn over this secret information to any of the agencies demanding it and not even to the covert American agency that authorized his service. He was treated badly by the agency that hired him, which also...
Robin Long Bird was born Robert Copeland, but extreme circumstances and devastating threats from several spy agencies throughout the world required a ...
Dr Robert E. McGinnis Shannon O. McGinnis Brandon Daniel Jones
White Bird Returns White Bird was born under very strange circumstances. His mother Sweentouk had just given birth when a band of strange Indians passed nearby. One of the men began chasing her and she knew she couldn't outrun him and hid the baby in a hollow tree. He got his name from a Great Snowy Owl that lived in that tree. Later, White Bird would be an outcast from his own tribe and join with a band of French trapper. He would begin a journey of thousands of miles because of that association, but it would be the English that carried him back to the old world as a bonded slave. During...
White Bird Returns White Bird was born under very strange circumstances. His mother Sweentouk had just given birth when a band of strange Indians pass...
Dr Robert E. McGinnis Shannon O. McGinnis Brandon D. Jones
Wisnook Treasure begins with a cross country hop in three different planes of the same kind. A flying club has arranged for our two main characters to fly from Texas to the East Coast of the United States undetected. The flight requires an excellent plane with short take off and landing capabilities along with safety and fuel economy. The Zenith STOL CH 750 Light Sport Utility proved to be the perfect choice for the task. The home of the manufacture of this company is in Mexico, Missouri. The author, Dr Robert E McGinnis is a pilot and he has long admired this great plane and the company that...
Wisnook Treasure begins with a cross country hop in three different planes of the same kind. A flying club has arranged for our two main characters to...
Dr Robert E. McGinnis Shannon O. McGinnis Brandon D. Jones
We are placed on the merry-go-round as babies and most of us leave as old men and women, but the things we do while going from one place to the next has all to do with what and who we are more than anything else other than our genetics. You have heard that old saying, "What goes around, comes around." I really think that is one way to look at our situation and our relationship with others. This story is in that vein. Our spy, Robert Copeland will be called upon to save his friend Little Eagle who at one time stepped forward to save him in a previous book, Little Eagle Saves A Spy. My comments...
We are placed on the merry-go-round as babies and most of us leave as old men and women, but the things we do while going from one place to the next h...
Throughout the ages, dogs have been part of human life, beginning so far back that there are no certain records. There have been many wonderful, special dogs and we do have records of some of these. This story is about one of those very special dogs that arrived mysteriously and left the same way. Propane appears in Haiti amid the aftermath of a devastating hurricane. This book reveals her adventures to the United States and across the continent. She gets involved with the lives of many people and in all cases those that she connects with are better off after knowing her.
Throughout the ages, dogs have been part of human life, beginning so far back that there are no certain records. There have been many wonderful, speci...
Dr Robert E. McGinnis Shannon O. McGinnis Lan H. McGinnis
This story is about one of the Wisnook Tribal legends, albeit a lesser legend, but nonetheless, one of great significance. We know the greatest legend among the Wisnook is the White Panther or the spirit leader of the tribe. At the time of this story the steamboat had recently been invented. These powerful machines were beginning to travel the larger waterways. A young man without prior knowledge of such a contraption became familiar with a few of the men who were searching for new ways of travel to improve commerce and human transportation. This story involves the uncanny innocence of a...
This story is about one of the Wisnook Tribal legends, albeit a lesser legend, but nonetheless, one of great significance. We know the greatest legend...
A young Indian orphan desires to do more, learn more and become more than anyone in his tribe. His primary goal is to get an education not available to him as an orphan living among his peers. He accomplishes a few remarkable things before he runs away from the land of his ancestors. He ends up on the east coast of the United States and begins working but has no desire to keep his earnings. Through some chance meetings and lucky breaks he begins a college career that leads him to a PhD and eventually, he becomes a professor admired by all. His lifetime ambition is sidetracked when a...
A young Indian orphan desires to do more, learn more and become more than anyone in his tribe. His primary goal is to get an education not available t...
Dr Robert E. McGinnis Shannon O. McGinnis Brandon D. Jones
Dr Ralph Penner became an expert locksmith, a pilot and a professor after his wife and he separated. These pursuits were activities that he used to fill the voids in his life, but they became extremely useful as he was faced with a summer of adventure. After years of being single Ralph is faced with a summer of falling in love with one lady after another and none seem to fit his dream girl status. He does get involved with a human trafficking organization which consumes his entire summer as he tries to protect many young lives caught up in the illegal business of crimes against unwitting...
Dr Ralph Penner became an expert locksmith, a pilot and a professor after his wife and he separated. These pursuits were activities that he used to fi...
Dr Robert E. McGinnis Shannon O. McGinnis Lan H. McGinnis
Sid had a choice. He could marry a fourteen year old Mayan or let her die as a sacrifice to the fertility god of Mayan women. The fourteen year old girl was nice, she was sweet and she was very pretty, but oh so young. Her name was Si. He knew he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was in a real tough spot trapped between two dimensions about five-hundred years apart. Socially he would have to comply with the cultural requirement of marriage, but then later as the tribal women began watching her belly, he found out that if she didn't show a child within two years she would still be...
Sid had a choice. He could marry a fourteen year old Mayan or let her die as a sacrifice to the fertility god of Mayan women. The fourteen year old gi...
During the Irish Potato famine of the mid 1800's the Bannon family was living on the very edge of starvation like so many in Ireland at that dreadful time. The Bannon family was large with a newborn baby and not enough food to feed everyone. Each day was an impossible struggle for the father until Patrick was old enough to help. Patrick was the oldest child and since age twelve, he had been going out to work on farms or into town to do whatever he could to earn a penny or in some way, get a little food to bring home. At age fourteen he was supporting the family with his long hours, endurance...
During the Irish Potato famine of the mid 1800's the Bannon family was living on the very edge of starvation like so many in Ireland at that dreadful ...