Volcanic autumn has become a reality, holding the planet in an icy grip. As autumn turns to winter, Earth's climate gets even colder: the North Sea freezes over, the Gulf Stream congeals and the monsoons cease. Under the shade of a global ash shroud crop failure becomes widespread and famine knocks on the door. Human society suffers from a shivering fit, aggravating old inflamed wounds and diseases. Man's basic needs become naked; riots, civil wars and violence are plaguing mankind and further decimating the number of inhabitants. The world as we know it today will soon cease to exist and...
Volcanic autumn has become a reality, holding the planet in an icy grip. As autumn turns to winter, Earth's climate gets even colder: the North Sea fr...
Den forvantade avkopplingen med termala bad och varme i Italien, blev inte riktigt som Stina hade hoppats pa. Nagra mystiska olyckor, som drabbat hennes vaninnor, ledde henne in pa ett sokande langs en vag kantad med ond brad dod, dar de lugna stunderna kunde raknas pa ena handens fingrar. I sin jakt pa sanningen, tvingades hon gang pa gang att fly hals over huvudet, nar hon hade vackt upp den bjorn, som hon egentligen borde ha latit fortsatta sova. Men vad skulle hon nu ta sig till? Och var skulle hon gomma sig? Snart markte Stina, att hon bara var en liten schackpjas i ett mycket mer...
Den forvantade avkopplingen med termala bad och varme i Italien, blev inte riktigt som Stina hade hoppats pa. Nagra mystiska olyckor, som drabbat henn...
In the year 2027 Maria, who grew up as a rebel and who recently has inherited her parents' business, has been forced into exile. She establishes the new political environmental organization G, Guardians of Gaia. Maria has a dedication and willpower that guides her in the struggle against the global warming. But there's also an ongoing conflict with her brother, and her sometimes insuperable engagement causes heart-rending catastrophes in her own personal life. In another part of the world, in the rainforests of Borneo, Atash fights for his own survival. Here he finds his mission in life that...
In the year 2027 Maria, who grew up as a rebel and who recently has inherited her parents' business, has been forced into exile. She establishes the n...
In the late 2030's Maria has come to the end of the road. Two decades of hard work with the environmental organization G, Guardians of Gaia, has not achieved the desired change to the spirit of the international society: the global warming is now a fact with flooded cities, millions of refugees and nature is near a collapse. Thus, Maria bets everything on one shot: an extreme solution to take place in the Artic - one that should cool down a planet who's suffering from a heatstroke. But can man use his ingenuity to stop the catastrophe or will he only use it for short term benefits? In the...
In the late 2030's Maria has come to the end of the road. Two decades of hard work with the environmental organization G, Guardians of Gaia, has not a...
Eloise upptackte tidigt att livet sallan ar rattvist. Hon tillbringade en stor del av sin uppvaxt i ensamhet eller hos valvilliga grannar, medan hennes mamma Ann var upptagen med en fruktlos kamp for det som hon alskade mest har i varlden. Sedan kom en tid nar hennes brackliga trygghet plotsligt spolades bort av livets stormar. Hur skulle hon nu ga vidare? Hur skulle en ensam, blyg och tillbakadragen flicka som hon overleva i en varld full av sa mycket smarta? Plotsligt stod hon bara inte ut langre. Hon bestamde sig for att aldrig mer vara sarbar och svag. Hon skulle minsann ta kontroll over...
Eloise upptackte tidigt att livet sallan ar rattvist. Hon tillbringade en stor del av sin uppvaxt i ensamhet eller hos valvilliga grannar, medan henne...