The most long-lasting and enduring relationship an individual can develop is with a sibling. Considering the closeness in age and early association of siblings, they can bond for a lifetime. Psychologists are beginning to appreciate the sibling link and its dynamic role in a child's social development. Beyond the mother-child dyad, sibling associations are now attributed with determining cognitive faculties, emotional balance, self-sufficiency, and peer interactions.
Clarifying the complex processes of these relationships and the benefit of parental involvement, Avidan Milevsky provides a...
The most long-lasting and enduring relationship an individual can develop is with a sibling. Considering the closeness in age and early association of...
The most long-lasting and enduring relationship an individual can develop is with a sibling. Considering the closeness in age and early association of siblings, they can bond for a lifetime. Psychologists are beginning to appreciate the sibling link and its dynamic role in a child's social development. Beyond the mother-child dyad, sibling associations are now attributed with determining cognitive faculties, emotional balance, self-sufficiency, and peer interactions.
Clarifying the complex processes of these relationships and the benefit of parental involvement, Avidan Milevsky provides a...
The most long-lasting and enduring relationship an individual can develop is with a sibling. Considering the closeness in age and early association of...
This volume provides a theoretical and empirical review of the societal and educational factors that contribute to 'emerging adulthood'. This developmental stage occurs between adolescence and adulthood and can be regarded as a relatively new phase in research on development. The book specifically examines how these societal and educational changes have contributed to the transitory nature of emerging adulthood and the resulting consequences. Particular attention is paid to the transitory nature of this stage of life, primarily in regard to relationship dynamics. The book examines the nature...
This volume provides a theoretical and empirical review of the societal and educational factors that contribute to 'emerging adulthood'. This developm...
Incorporating the latest research and clinical work in family dynamics, this book examines multiple angles of integrating sibling issues, which underlie issues at the core of many clinical difficulties presented by adult clients, in therapy to improve adulthood emotional and psychological well-being.
Incorporating the latest research and clinical work in family dynamics, this book examines multiple angles of integrating sibling issues, which underl...
Incorporating the latest research and clinical work in family dynamics, this book examines multiple angles of integrating sibling issues, which underlie issues at the core of many clinical difficulties presented by adult clients, in therapy to improve adulthood emotional and psychological well-being.
Incorporating the latest research and clinical work in family dynamics, this book examines multiple angles of integrating sibling issues, which underl...