This book examines the ways in which long-term processes of state-formation limit the possibilities for short-term political projects of statebuilding.
This book examines the ways in which long-term processes of state-formation limit the possibilities for short-term political projects of statebuilding...
This book aims at a deeper understanding of social processes, dynamics and institutions shaping collective violence. It argues that violence is a social practice that adheres to social logics and, in its collective form, appears as recurrent patterns. In search of characteristics, mechanisms and logics of violence, contributions deliver ethnographic descriptions of different forms of collective violence and contextualize these phenomena within broader spatial and temporal structures. The studies show that collective violence, at least if it is sustained over a certain period of time, aims at...
This book aims at a deeper understanding of social processes, dynamics and institutions shaping collective violence. It argues that violence is a soci...
This book examines the ways in which long-term processes of state-formation limit the possibilities for short-term political projects of statebuilding. Using process-oriented approaches, the contributing authors explore what happens when conscious efforts at statebuilding 'meet' social contexts, and are transformed into daily routines. In order to explain their findings, they also analyse the temporally and spatially broader structures of world society which shape the possibilities of statebuilding. Statebuilding and State-Formation includes a variety of case studies from post-conflict...
This book examines the ways in which long-term processes of state-formation limit the possibilities for short-term political projects of statebuilding...
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Deutschen Studienpreis 2009, Sektion Sozialwissenschaften. Statebuilding ist zu einer Kernaufgabe globalen Regierens avanciert. Bisherige Versuche, durch internationale Interventionen Staaten nach westlichem Muster zu formen, sind jedoch hinter ihren Zielen zuruckgeblieben. Diese Studie geht der Frage nach, wie sich liberales Statebuildung auf die Institutionalisierungsdynamik staatlicher Herrschaft auswirkt. Am Beispiel Bosnien und Herzegowina wird gezeigt, dass Statebuilding gleichzeitige Prozesse der Staatsstarkung und -schwachung auslost. Diese tragen...
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Deutschen Studienpreis 2009, Sektion Sozialwissenschaften. Statebuilding ist zu einer Kernaufgabe globalen Regierens ...
This book systematically explores how different theoretical concepts of myth can be utilised to interpretively explore contemporary international politics. From the international community to warlords, from participation to effectiveness international politics is replete with powerful narratives and commonly held beliefs that qualify as myths. Rebutting the understanding of myth-as-lie, this collection of essays unearths the ideological, naturalising, and depoliticising effect of myths.
Myth and Narrative in International Politics: Interpretive Approaches to the...
This book systematically explores how different theoretical concepts of myth can be utilised to interpretively explore contemporary international p...