Avoid Student Loans is a revolutionary book where a personal finance expert and a recent college graduate come together to offer you exclusive advice on how to make sure your college education is an investment rather than a liability (requiring large loan payments for 10 years or more after graduation.) In this book you'll learn ways to reduce your cost of college, win more scholarships, and make smart financial decisions while in college. Following this easy-to-read guide can lead you to landing in a much better place after graduation, well ahead of your peers, and without the ball and chain...
Avoid Student Loans is a revolutionary book where a personal finance expert and a recent college graduate come together to offer you exclusive advice ...
The art of living on a budget sometimes gets a bad rap. It's often confused with penny-pinching and can seem very limiting to outsiders who are lucky enough to observe their fiscally-responsible friends' financial precautions. But no matter on which side of the budgeting table you sit, you need to throw out any negative associations you have with the word budget - thrift, economy, scraping, penury - and replace those loaded concepts with three new ones: awareness, communication, and accountability. Your parents may have taught you the basics about money and budgeting, but they never said it...
The art of living on a budget sometimes gets a bad rap. It's often confused with penny-pinching and can seem very limiting to outsiders who are lucky ...
Herbal Medication is one of the oldest forms of medicine. It draws upon centuries of worldwide experience and modern scientific knowledge of diseases and plant medicines. Herbalists treat the whole person, not just the symptoms of illness. They aim to restore the health of all the body systems in order to correct the underlying causes of disease. This down to earth practical guide demystifies the role of herbs and herbalism. Peter Dunn explains the effectiveness and safety of herbs, how a diagnosis works and why herbalism is the ideal treatment for a wide range of common complaints.
Herbal Medication is one of the oldest forms of medicine. It draws upon centuries of worldwide experience and modern scientific knowledge of diseases ...
This book will provide you with herbal remedies that have been used successfully for generations to treat numerous common ailments. Remedies for 170 Health problems How to prepare Herbal Infusions and Decoctions Home and Holiday First-Aid The ailments are listed alphabetically; this book investigates each of the ailments and their causes, describes symptoms and provides herbal treatments that are cheap, safe and effective. There is a rich age-old tradition of healing human ailments with wild plants, a tradition that has not died over thousands of years. The uses of healing plants have not...
This book will provide you with herbal remedies that have been used successfully for generations to treat numerous common ailments. Remedies for 170 H...
Nowadays when there is anything wrong with us we are used to purchasing a whole range of patent medicines over the pharmacist's counter or to going to our doctor to get a drug especially prescribed for us. This, however, is a recent development in the history of mankind. The drugs revolution did not really get under way until after World War II, although of course doctors had recourse to a range of medications before that. In contrast with the drugs revolution, folk medicine dated back into the mists of time. There is archaeological evidence that primitive human beings made use of healing...
Nowadays when there is anything wrong with us we are used to purchasing a whole range of patent medicines over the pharmacist's counter or to going to...