LOVE FRIENDSHIP BETRAYAL DRAMA In His Bliss Intrigue is a compelling provocative story that follows the life of a woman named Marilyn as she learns to adapt to the sometimes devastating changes in her life while continuing to live the life she hopes for herself. In her early teens, she is faced with moving away from her home and adapting to life in a new place. As she matures into a young lady, and then into adulthood, Marilyn is faced with having to choose between friendship and family as she discovers an unexpected life altering betrayal. In His Bliss Intrigue makes it difficult for one...
LOVE FRIENDSHIP BETRAYAL DRAMA In His Bliss Intrigue is a compelling provocative story that follows the life of a woman named Marilyn as she learn...
LOVE FRIENDSHIP LOSS LAUGHTER DRAMA In His Bliss Exposed picks up some years later as Marilyn is faced with yet another life altering occurrence that causes another level of security she believes to hold in her life, to be questioned. A routine visit to the local market brings about changes to everything she knows to be true and forces her to once again choose-this time between her bliss and her sanity. In His Bliss Exposed provides some much needed resolution as some lines are clearly drawn and questions are answered. Forgiving and forgetting, does one work without the other? Do tell
LOVE FRIENDSHIP LOSS LAUGHTER DRAMA In His Bliss Exposed picks up some years later as Marilyn is faced with yet another life altering occurrence ...
In this third book of the series, Marilyn's reconciliation with the issues of the past provide for an interesting and welcomed future as she comes to terms with her relationships and finds peace and happiness in her own being.
In this third book of the series, Marilyn's reconciliation with the issues of the past provide for an interesting and welcomed future as she comes to ...
Zeus and Xerxes are happy curious puppy brothers new to the neighborhood. They like to play and explore. So every day along with their favorite chipmunk friend, Jon Dart, they go on mini adventures. They follow the footprint clues they find to learn about the other animals that live in and visit their yard.
Zeus and Xerxes are happy curious puppy brothers new to the neighborhood. They like to play and explore. So every day along with their favorite chipmu...
Enjoy fun activities with the Fluffy Tails Coloring & Activity Book, part of the Zeus and Xerxes Adventure in the Backyard book series. Kids of all ages can color pictures, complete mazes, connect the dots, word search, drawing, matching, and much more
Enjoy fun activities with the Fluffy Tails Coloring & Activity Book, part of the Zeus and Xerxes Adventure in the Backyard book series. Kids of all ag...