"THE CHRISMOUSE STORY" tells of a young mouse named Chris and his quest to understand the meaning of Christmas. Living in the attic with his parents, Chris can see the human family below preparing for this special time of year. Following his curiosity ventures down into their home where he encounters the family cat, and meets up with Santa Claus. He manages to bring the holiday spirit back to his own family making it a memorable Christmas.
"THE CHRISMOUSE STORY" tells of a young mouse named Chris and his quest to understand the meaning of Christmas. Living in the attic with his parents, ...
Today is Alexis's birthday, a little girl who seems to have everything. Unfortunately she is still learning how to treat other people. After she ungratefully opens a few of her presents at her party, the toys come to life to teach her a lesson. Suddenly the Wizard, the Rag Doll, the Bear, and the Sketch Board persuade her to take part in a board game, and every time she answers a question incorrectly, she must change places with one of them to see and feel the results of her harsh words and actions. By the end of the game, Alexis learns the value of treating others with kindness and...
Today is Alexis's birthday, a little girl who seems to have everything. Unfortunately she is still learning how to treat other people. After she ungra...