Let me help you pass your PM exam the first time through the use of this book and over 15 hours of embedded QR Code videos
Studying for your PMP(R) exam can be scary, especially if you are self studying. This books allows you to focus your studies by following my study plan that includes over 15 hours of embedded QR videos that walk you through the chapters of the PMBOK(R) Guide - Fifth Edition. Each video highlights what I believe is important for you to know in each chapter, then we follow that up with 1000+ test questions that use laser like focus on each...
Let me help you pass your PM exam the first time through the use of this book and over 15 hours of embedded QR Code videos
Los relatos de este libro, "El infarto perfecto," "Intimidad mancillada," "El movil maldito," "Traicion encadenada," "Un asteroide llamado Transmutatio Ova" y "Peni el monstruo del Pantano de Banos," junto con las seis breves "Historias de Tendedero," tienen lugar en un mundo bongo de brotes pardos. La pertinaz sequia, esta vez de liquidez, impide que los esperados brotes verdes terminen de florecer y hace que los paisajes amarilleen. En estas condiciones y a pesar de los pesares, sus luchadores personajes construyen un mundo vivo, con ritmo, colores y ruido de fondo. Sus tragicomicas...
Los relatos de este libro, "El infarto perfecto," "Intimidad mancillada," "El movil maldito," "Traicion encadenada," "Un asteroide llamado Transmutati...