Of all children reported to child protective services for suspected maltreatment in any form, the percentage of substantiated cases of actual physical abuse is quite small. There are a number of dermatological or radiologically demonstrable musculoskeletal lesions that have been, or could be mistaken for, intentional physical abuse by the inexperienced or untrained observer.
Child Abuse and Its Mimics in Skin and Bone illustrates the classic manifestations of physical abuse by dermatological and radiological examination as a standard against which the...
Of all children reported to child protective services for suspected maltreatment in any form, the percentage of substantiated cases of actual physi...
Skin, the most accessible part of a child suffering physical abuse, is also the most injured. Yet some dermatological disorders closely resemble intentional injuries. This book details the cutaneous signs of violent trauma and offers vital diagnostic guidance.
Skin, the most accessible part of a child suffering physical abuse, is also the most injured. Yet some dermatological disorders closely resemble inten...
This book presents a selection of controversial issues of practical importance in pediatric dermatology with the aim of enabling the reader to adopt a well-balanced and evidence-based approach to the management of dermatological disorders encountered during childhood.
This book presents a selection of controversial issues of practical importance in pediatric dermatology with the aim of enabling the reader to adopt a...