A novel set in 1960's Miami, Cuba, and Costa Rica, No Vacancy follows the story of Eli Rose and his reluctant involvement in Miami organized crime and anti-Castro activities. His ultimate recruitment by the CIA leads to espionage and betrayal in the jungles of Costa Rica.
A novel set in 1960's Miami, Cuba, and Costa Rica, No Vacancy follows the story of Eli Rose and his reluctant involvement in Miami organized crime and...
Eli Rose has spent the second half of the 1980's living "off the grid" in Costa Rica, trying to escape the demons of his past. Unfortunately, his less than idyllic existence is about to be shattered by the beautiful and mysterious Mai Lee Jones, sent by her uncle to hire Eli to find a priceless Han Dynasty carving. But it soon becomes clear that this job is not what it appears to be, as Eli and Mai Lee fight for survival in the dense jungle of northern Vietnam. The Next Best Man is a story of betrayal, survival, and redemption in a time of political upheaval in Southeast Asia.
Eli Rose has spent the second half of the 1980's living "off the grid" in Costa Rica, trying to escape the demons of his past. Unfortunately, his less...
A simple missing person's case. That's what Eli Rose and his partner, Vicente Amaron thought it would be when she walked into their office. Beautiful Miami heiress Jo McHenry needed someone to find her missing parents, and no cost was too great. Plus, she made it all sound so simple. Unfortunately for Eli, nothing is ever simple, and hidden behind her model's good looks was an intricate tangle involving cocaine smuggling, the Colombian and Mexican drug cartels, and corruption inside the FBI. By the time it all becomes clear, Eli and Vicente are embroiled in a delicate balancing act with the...
A simple missing person's case. That's what Eli Rose and his partner, Vicente Amaron thought it would be when she walked into their office. Beautiful ...