While searching for answers and her missing "Sister," Misaka finds herself facing a new ruthless enemy who takes her mother and Uihara as hostages But when this new foe accuses Misaka of crimes she never committed, Misaka is left wondering exactly who she's fighting and why. At least Kuroko and Saten are willing to help, despite their impaired memories...but even that isn't enough to get to the bottom of this mystery. Misaka may have to turn to a very unlikely ally for help
While searching for answers and her missing "Sister," Misaka finds herself facing a new ruthless enemy who takes her mothe...
A certain unlikely hero... In Academy City, where superhuman abilities are scientific reality, Touma Kamijou is trying to reconstruct a life for himself, but that's easier said than done with a girl by his side with the arcane knowledge of 103,000 grimoires rattling around in her brain... Now seemingly inextricably caught up in a world where magic is a reality, Kamijou learns that a certain shrine maiden is being held captive in one of Academy City's cram schools. Can Touma ally himself with a sorcerer who has on more than one occasion tried to do him in? The only thing he knows for...
A certain unlikely hero... In Academy City, where superhuman abilities are scientific reality, Touma Kamijou is trying to reconstruct a life for hi...
The horrifying experiment to make Accelerator into an all-powerful Level Six has commenced--and it involves the wholesale slaughter of the little sisters cloned from Mikoto Misaka. Can Touma find a way to stop the seemingly invincible Accelerator? Could it be that weakness is stronger than strength could ever be?
The horrifying experiment to make Accelerator into an all-powerful Level Six has commenced--and it involves the wholesale slaughter of the little sist...
(Volume 6)Accelerator has killed thousands of Sisters--clones of Mikoto Misaka designed as cannon fodder to bring out his true abilities. But when a stunted Sister calling herself "Last Order" asks for his help, is this a chance for the Academy City's most terrifyingly powerful esper to redeem himself?
(Volume 6)Accelerator has killed thousands of Sisters--clones of Mikoto Misaka designed as cannon fodder to bring out his true abilities. But when a s...
(Volume 2)Index faces the biggest threat to her life thus far: the assassin Kaori Kanzaki--and Touma's right hand is useless against her When Kaori reveals the truth behind Index's very existence, Touma realizes just how bad his unlucky streak has gotten in the conclusion of the Index arc
(Volume 2)Index faces the biggest threat to her life thus far: the assassin Kaori Kanzaki--and Touma's right hand is useless against her When Kaori r...