A Humorous Synopsis of the Great Operas. Stranded Stories from the Operas is aimed at the serious opera lover who, in addition to possessing a good knowledge of the subject, has a sense of humour. No author, until now, has dared challenge the esoteric world of opera by relating these stories in a humorous way: opera is far too serious a subject to be made fun of Times have changed. In this collection you will find the plots of both The Barber of Seville and The Marriage of Figaro told by Figaro himself in his own inimitable style; Samson and Dalilah and Salome retold in appropriate biblical...
A Humorous Synopsis of the Great Operas. Stranded Stories from the Operas is aimed at the serious opera lover who, in addition to possessing a good kn...
A Humorous Synopsis of the Great Operas. Stranded Stories from the Operas is aimed at the serious opera lover who, in addition to possessing a good knowledge of the subject, has a sense of humour. No author, until now, has dared challenge the esoteric world of opera by relating these stories in a humorous way: opera is far too serious a subject to be made fun of Times have changed. In this collection you will find the plots of both The Barber of Seville and The Marriage of Figaro told by Figaro himself in his own inimitable style; Samson and Dalilah and Salome retold in appropriate biblical...
A Humorous Synopsis of the Great Operas. Stranded Stories from the Operas is aimed at the serious opera lover who, in addition to possessing a good kn...