While Jennifer has been struggling to master the lip movements for -Jingle Bells- on her trombone, someone has vandalized her middle school repeatedly. The culprit has spray-painted lockers, flooded a bathroom, and pulled a fire alarm. The irate principal decides to cancel all field trips until he can identify the vandal. The cancellation threatens Jennifer's chance to make her parents proud at the mall Christmas concert, the way her brother makes them proud at basketball games. To save the concert, Jennifer and other band members decide to solve the mystery themselves. The five members of...
While Jennifer has been struggling to master the lip movements for -Jingle Bells- on her trombone, someone has vandalized her middle school repeatedly...
Excitement is building for the Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017. This book for kids ages 9-12 answers their questions about eclipses. Included are not only how solar and lunar eclipses happen and how to safely view a solar eclipse, but also -How often do eclipses happen? -What happens to animals during a solar eclipse? -Do other planets have eclipses? -What does a lunar eclipse look like from the moon? Top Ten Facts About Eclipses answers these questions and more. Young astronomers reading this book will know facts about eclipses and what to expect when viewing the Great American...
Excitement is building for the Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017. This book for kids ages 9-12 answers their questions about eclipses. Include...