Rebellion erupts on the paradise planet of Elysia, plunging the colony into chaos. In response, the all-powerful United Earth dispatches its elite corps of cyborg soldiers, led by Aaron the Berber Barber. After more than a decade of killing hideous aliens across the galaxy, Barber questions his celebrated role in United Earth s military/industrial/entertainment complex when he finally has to face his fellow humans."
Rebellion erupts on the paradise planet of Elysia, plunging the colony into chaos. In response, the all-powerful United Earth dispatches its elite cor...
'Inspired by the author's own personal experience of sustaining acquired brain injury (ABI), this path-breaking book explores the (re)construction of identity after ABI. It offers a way of understanding ABI through a social scientific lens, promoting an understanding that is generated through close engagement with the lives and experiences of ABI survivors.
The author follows the every-day experiences of six male survivors and critically investigates their identity (re)construction after their ABI. As well as demonstrating identity (re)construction after ABI, the experiences of the...
'Inspired by the author's own personal experience of sustaining acquired brain injury (ABI), this path-breaking book explores the (re)construction ...