Manhattan is the continuing saga of Michael and Emily Ranahan's life as recounted in In The Time Of Famine. In fleeing the famine in Ireland to find a new life in the New World, they come ashore at New York City on an island called Manhattan, a chaotic, odoriferous city filled with rascals, ne'er' do-wells, rapscallions, and corrupt politicians. As they form their new life together they will experience the horrors of the infamous Five Points, the challenge of No Irish Need Apply signs, the Great Panic of 1857, the frightful Civil War riots, and finally, the building of the Brooklyn Bridge....
Manhattan is the continuing saga of Michael and Emily Ranahan's life as recounted in In The Time Of Famine. In fleeing the famine in Ireland to find a...
It begins with the dreams. Cassie has been having strange nightmares of a voice calling to her from deep beneath the ocean. They’re unsettling, but it isn’t until Cassie discovers Tobias has been having dreams too -- the exact same dreams, of a voice pleading for help—that she decides it’s time to start listening. When pieces of debris wash up on shore, marked with alien writing, the team realises they may still have allies in the fight for Earth -- allies who are trying to make contact. Now they just have to reach them, before time runs out.
It begins with the dreams. Cassie has been having strange nightmares of a voice calling to her from deep beneath the ocean. They’re unsettling, but ...