How do I improve my essay writing skills? Where can I learn quickly how to improve my speech writing? How does writing for the web differ from conventional writing? Are there some categories of mistakes that people commonly make in attempting to write good prose? How can I be persuasive in my writing style? How did language evolve? What is 'genre theory'? How do I become creative in my prose writing? These and other curious and relevant questions are answered in Academic Writing. Writing is about communication with words, and academic writing is about choosing words carefully to communicate...
How do I improve my essay writing skills? Where can I learn quickly how to improve my speech writing? How does writing for the web differ from convent...
This book presents ten essays about environmental communication. Chapter one introduces the concept of environmental communication and the ways in which it was conceived, imagined, and developed as a form of interdisciplinary enquiry. Chapter two explores the concept of green communication and education for the sustainable development movement. Chapter three is concerned with one of the major underlying socio-cultural influences of the human/nature divide: that of anthropomorphic or anthropogenic reasoning. Chapter four takes an ecological view of economics and develops an argument for the...
This book presents ten essays about environmental communication. Chapter one introduces the concept of environmental communication and the ways in whi...
A "bush telegraph" is an antipodean slang noun phrase for a "grapevine" or an informal network of communication. The title of this book on English language use comes from the fact that the book is written from the southern hemisphere (where the idea of a "bush telegraph" is more widely-known) and because the concept of a "bush telegraph" describes what the book provides - a discussion of salient points in English language use and tertiary teaching across branches of interrelated interests. Each chapter of Bush Telegraph describes aspects of English writing culture. Separately and together,...
A "bush telegraph" is an antipodean slang noun phrase for a "grapevine" or an informal network of communication. The title of this book on English lan...