In a friendship spanning 60 years, Earl Smith and Bob DiMatteo reminisce about their lives, their families and their country. Longtime residents of Palmyra, a small town in Central Pennsylvania, they were born when the movies were silent and people were just becoming acquainted with the model T. They raised their children in a time and place where doors were unlocked and neighbors were family. They lived to understand Ipads and Avatar. Earl and Bob share stories of their family, work, and play. They had heroes like Babe Ruth, Dwight Eisenhower, Amos and Andy, Lowell Thomas, Dick Tracy, Tom...
In a friendship spanning 60 years, Earl Smith and Bob DiMatteo reminisce about their lives, their families and their country. Longtime residents of Pa...
In a friendship spanning 60 years, Earl Smith and Bob DiMatteo reminisce about their lives, their families and their country. Longtime residents of Palmyra, a small town in Central Pennsylvania, they were born when the movies were silent and people were just becoming acquainted with the model T. They raised their children in a time and place where doors were unlocked and neighbors were family. They lived to understand Ipads and Avatar. Earl and Bob share stories of their family, work, and play. They had heroes like Babe Ruth, Dwight Eisenhower, Amos and Andy, Lowell Thomas, Dick Tracy, Tom...
In a friendship spanning 60 years, Earl Smith and Bob DiMatteo reminisce about their lives, their families and their country. Longtime residents of Pa...