Samson Turner, a video game loving teenager, finds out he is endowed with the strength of Hercules, the legendary super hero. With his loyal friend, Leo, and the beautiful warrior, Trinity Marks, they set out to stop Gideon Nefaris and his henchmen from possessing the Orb of Orpheus.
Samson Turner, a video game loving teenager, finds out he is endowed with the strength of Hercules, the legendary super hero. With his loyal friend, L...
Samson Turner and his super powered friends, Trinity, Leo and Appolonia are off on another adventure, but this time it is against Death itself. Hades, lord of the underworld, is coming for Samson's soul, and the only way to stop him is to retrieve the Amulet of Immortality, the powerful object that is the source of the Olympian's everlasting youth. Join Samson and his friends as they set off for a quest that will take them to the land of the fierce Amazon warriors and down to the dark depths of Tartarus where Medusa awaits them. Hang on for the ride of your life as you journey into the world...
Samson Turner and his super powered friends, Trinity, Leo and Appolonia are off on another adventure, but this time it is against Death itself. Hades,...