Exploring works by Walter Scott, Harriet Martineau, Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens, and their lesser-known contemporaries, Romances of Free Trade historicizes globalization as it traces the perception of dissolving borders and declining national sovereignty back into the nineteenth century. The book offers a new account of the cultural work of romance in nineteenth-century Britain. Celikkol argues that novelists and playwrights employed this genre to represent a radically new historical formation: the emergence of a globalized free-market economy. In previous centuries, the...
Exploring works by Walter Scott, Harriet Martineau, Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens, and their lesser-known contemporaries, Romances of Free Tra...
Ayse Celikkol, Serbest Ticaret Romanslari'nda Ingiltere'nin on dokuzuncu yuzyilda kurdugu kuresel iktisadi hegemonyanin ardindaki itici guc olan serbest ticaretin Britanya edebiyatina nasil yansidigi sorusuna cevap ariyor. Gerek Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte gibi kanona dahil yazarlarin, gerekse Ebenezer Elliott ve Kaptan Marryat gibi kanon disi yazarlarin yapitlarinda yer alan serbest ticaret temsillerine odaklanan yazar, serbest ticareti destekleyen veya kiyasiya elestiren farkli soylemlerin yalnizca ekonomi politik metinleri tarafindan degil ayni zamanda on dokuzuncu...
Ayse Celikkol, Serbest Ticaret Romanslari'nda Ingiltere'nin on dokuzuncu yuzyilda kurdugu kuresel iktisadi hegemonyanin ardindaki itici guc olan serbe...