Senate Document 111-6. Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes: Held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Together with Memorial Services in Honor of Edward M. Kennedy, Late a Senator from Massachusetts. includes remarks delivered by prominent members of both Houses of Congress, Democratic and Republican alike, as well as materials documenting specific legislative efforts and accomplishments achieved in collaboration with Senator Kennedy. Also included are transcripts of Senator Kennedy's memorial services.
Senate Document 111-6. Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes: Held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Together with Memor...
Senate Document 111-6. Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes: Held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Together with Memorial Services in Honor of Edward M. Kennedy, Late a Senator from Massachusetts. includes remarks delivered by prominent members of both Houses of Congress, Democratic and Republican alike, as well as materials documenting specific legislative efforts and accomplishments achieved in collaboration with Senator Kennedy. Also included are transcripts of Senator Kennedys memorial services.
Senate Document 111-6. Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes: Held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Together with Memor...
United States Congress Joint Committee on Printing
House Document 108-227. On spine: Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004. Cover title: Ronald Reagan, Late a President of the United States, Memorial Tributes Delivered in Congress. Compiles addresses, tributes, and additional materials on the life, character, and public service of the late President Ronald Reagan. 108th Congress, 2d Session.
House Document 108-227. On spine: Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004. Cover title: Ronald Reagan, Late a President of the United States, Memorial Tributes Deliv...