Arabia-Eurasia convergence is achieved in the NW Zagros by a combination of shortening on NW-SE- trending folds and thrusts, mainly in the Zagros Structural Belt,and by right-lateral strike-slip on the NW-SE-trending Main Recent Fault.The contrast stretched of ETM band 4 was found to be the best in displaying lineaments and folds for the area,hence was further processed by using directional filters and generated different combinations of False Color Composites.Finally a structural map of the study area has been prepared using the processed ETM images.This study indicates that the...
Arabia-Eurasia convergence is achieved in the NW Zagros by a combination of shortening on NW-SE- trending folds and thrusts, mainly in the Zagros St...
this book is consisting of eight chapters. The first chapter is introducing the main application in ArcGIS software and teaches you the basic of ArcGIS and GIS data. The second chapter, you will experiencing the digitizing processes and display the final output in standard map layout. While in the third chapter, it has continued from the second chapter, where you will be exposed to identify the landuse changes from three series of landuse map. The fourth chapter, demonstrates how to generate a landuse susceptibility assessment map for development propose. In chapter five, you will...
this book is consisting of eight chapters. The first chapter is introducing the main application in ArcGIS software and teaches you the basic of Arc...
This book presents ongoing research and ideas related to earth observations and global change, natural hazards and disaster management studies, with respect to geospatial information technology, remote sensing, and global navigation satellite systems. Readers will discover uses of advanced geospatial tools, spatiotemporal models, and earth observation systems. Chapters identify the international aspects of the coupled social, land and climate systems in global change studies, and consider such global challenges as agriculture monitoring, the smart city, and risk assessment. The work...
This book presents ongoing research and ideas related to earth observations and global change, natural hazards and disaster management studies, with r...