A heartwarming Christmas story. Winterton is a frozen town with frozen hearts and frozen people. A magical humbug that attracts the magical reindeer of Santa is brought to the town of Winterton by a little orphan girl. The warmth of the little girl and the magical music of the humbug bring Santa, the reindeer and Christmas back to Winterton.
A heartwarming Christmas story. Winterton is a frozen town with frozen hearts and frozen people. A magical humbug that attracts the magical reindeer o...
Russia's engagement with Germany on the Eastern Front during World War II was ferocious, unprecedented and bloody, costing millions of civilian and military lives. In this challenging new book, Lee Baker distinguishes myth from reality and deflates the idea that this war, while gargantuan in scale, was in essence a war like any other.
Russia's engagement with Germany on the Eastern Front during World War II was ferocious, unprecedented and bloody, costing millions of civilian and...