"Journey to Unity" takes the reader to that point where reason and rational thought stops and reveals the intersection where faith alone can continue. It makes the case that all of humanity places faith in something or someone and opens the economic and political paths that are consistent with those faith choices. It is a clarion call to Christians of all denominations and belief structures to unite around principles that will build a lasting and strengthened American majority.
"Journey to Unity" takes the reader to that point where reason and rational thought stops and reveals the intersection where faith alone can continue....
Road Diverged is the second book in Garry Harper's "Journey Series" and explores the unique relationship between God's ultimate plan for mankind and humanity's gift of free will. The book furthers the case that the natural rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence - the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - can work in conjunction with God's will to open new, less traveled, paths in our economic and political future. In this book, Harper gets specific and addresses real issues facing American citizens in the 21st Century. Like all the books in the "Journey Series,"...
Road Diverged is the second book in Garry Harper's "Journey Series" and explores the unique relationship between God's ultimate plan for mankind and h...
Faith Dimension is the third and final book in Garry Harper's "Journey Series." This book deeply explores one of the most intriguing passages in the Bible about Faith. Hebrews 11:1 states that, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Harper takes the reader through the intentions of the biblical writer when faith was described as a substance. Is faith really substantial? Complete the journey, with Garry Harper as your guide, that leads through the latest ideas in theoretical physics and see why our faith may be much more substantial than ever...
Faith Dimension is the third and final book in Garry Harper's "Journey Series." This book deeply explores one of the most intriguing passages in the B...