Radio host and author Paul A. Ibbetson's fictional version of Animal Farm with a conservative twist. The delightful tale of Oliver the Squirrel unfolds on this departure from the conservative political discussions found previously in Ibbetson's books. Oliver's Tale is a thinker's piece and while written in the same spirit as George Orwell's Animal Farm it has its own unique social, political, and religious message to be discovered by readers. Surrounded by a colorful cast of animal characters, Oliver experiences a spiritual growth in his relationship with God as he becomes privy to the secret...
Radio host and author Paul A. Ibbetson's fictional version of Animal Farm with a conservative twist. The delightful tale of Oliver the Squirrel unfold...
During a national emergency, a liberal Marxist-leaning political leadership takes absolute control of the United States. Martial law is declared and elections are suspended. This leadership morphs into a complete Communist-style government. All dissent is brutally repulsed. Two young university students, Peter Blake and Natalie Biriukova, become active leaders in the resistance movement. They soon fall in love. In time they are targeted by the government and forced to go on the run. A feared and notorious Compliance Officer, Nicholas Snoopczech, is hot on their trail. He is hated and feared...
During a national emergency, a liberal Marxist-leaning political leadership takes absolute control of the United States. Martial law is declared and e...
Imagine a town where the people perpetually live in the 1950s, a place where time has all but stopped and where everyone loves his family, job, and life. In this strange place, only a select few people ever leave the city limits and even then, they leave reluctantly. This is what fifteen and a half year old Benjamin Granault faces as, through a string of amazing events, he finds himself living in a town where he can never talk about modern technology or current events, a place where being an outsider can cost a person his life and being part of the community may very well cost more. Follow...
Imagine a town where the people perpetually live in the 1950s, a place where time has all but stopped and where everyone loves his family, job, and li...