"Al E. Gator Visits Croakerhochen" is the tale of a young frog, named Arthur, and his family, whose swamp is being terrorized by a predator named, Al E. Gator, who would love nothing more than to get a "frog in his throat." Laced with humor, intrigue and touching moments, this story will capture the hearts of young children, as 147 brave frogs and 11 toads outwit and warm the heart of "Big Bad Al." Cleverly written in 1968, by my father, Bill Dix, this is much more than a child's fairy tale about frogs, toads and gators. There is an underlying story of a father's love. While serving in the...
"Al E. Gator Visits Croakerhochen" is the tale of a young frog, named Arthur, and his family, whose swamp is being terrorized by a predator named, Al ...