The abundance that flows from thanksgiving; the freedom that forgiveness brings; the security that hope provides; the connection of a caring community; the awareness of the divine at all times, in all situations - these are just some of the gifts that are hidden in the simple meal that we know as Holy Communion. In Food for the Road - Life Lessons from the Lord's Table John van de Laar explores the sacrament, and unlocks its hidden gifts, opening doors to new inspiration for worship and for living.
The abundance that flows from thanksgiving; the freedom that forgiveness brings; the security that hope provides; the connection of a caring community...
We all know the longing - to connect deeply with God; to live a vibrant, authentic life; to make a meaningful contribution to the world. But for too many of us, worship has failed to fill that longing, leaving us with little more than dry ritual or empty entertainment - or driving us away from church altogether. In The Hour That Changes Everything John van de Laar invites you to return to worship once again, to rediscover true intimacy with God, and to embrace the life-giving transformation it offers. Through fifty days of personal reflection, small group conversation and congregational...
We all know the longing - to connect deeply with God; to live a vibrant, authentic life; to make a meaningful contribution to the world. But for too m...
We all long for a meaningful and abundant life. Every day we are told, in a thousand different ways, that our best life is found when we satisfy our individual desires and dreams. But, what if these messages are misleading? What if our quest for personal fulfilment is disconnecting us from one another and from God, and making us very lonely people? The Gospel message of Jesus confidently proclaims that vibrant and authentic life can only be found together - in diverse and loving communities. If we are willing to give Jesus' way of living a try, we will need to learn the habits that help us to...
We all long for a meaningful and abundant life. Every day we are told, in a thousand different ways, that our best life is found when we satisfy our i...